
Nanosecond Imaging with Imagex nanoCCD

We have been getting great results on the nanosecond timescale with the Imagex nanoCCD system. We have now been able to distinguish 2 and 4 nanosecond fluorescent samples with ease and perform some fascinating rangefinder experiments! (see below). In the bottom right hand image the colour coding relates to the distance of each individual object from the camera( Blue=Closest Red=Furthest). This contrast arises from the different times taken for the light to travel from the light source and back to the camera after reflecting of each of the objects. The round trip is of the order of a few nanoseconds.


The objects are about 20cms apart from each other. The plastic bottle at the front of the scene is approximately 1/3rd full of water and this appears to add a significant delay to light passing through it possibly due to multiple scattering and reflections.

Colour Camera Development
We are currently working on a high resolution colour version of our Imagex Time-Gated CCD camera. The new camera will feature all the timing features of the standard monochrome system but be capable of full colour imaging as well. The system will ship with new colour-aware software with facilities for cross-colour arithmetic functions, colour balancing and colour splitting.

BBSRC Research Grant for multiplexed Proteomics
We are delighted to announce that the Biophysics Group at the Salford University has received a major research grant to study Time-Resolved Multiplexed Detection of Proteomic Gels using the Imagex camera. We hope to be reporting preliminary results in the near future.

Windows Service Pack 2
To everybody out there who has had to reformat their hard disks after installing Windows Service Pack 2 we send our commiserations. In general we have found that that on a mature system which has had lots of software and drivers installed there is a good chance of conflict when you install the Service Pack.

The good news from PRS is that the Imagex software and libraries have no such problems and will work on both SP1 and SP2 systems.